Friday, June 5, 2015

Students for Life at WCTA

Hello Everyone,
The president of Students for Life sent this to Mikaela, and I received her permission to pass this on to the blog.  Please consider supporting Angelique and her quest to create a Students for Life group at her school.  

Dear Mikaela,
This morning, one of Students for Life’s brave high school student leaders was on Fox News. I’ve got to share with you her story.

Angelique has been trying to start her Students for Life club since last December and has been getting significant pushback from her school administration at West Career and Technical Academy (WCTA) in Las Vegas.

After submitting all of the necessary paperwork and recruiting more than enough club members, Angelique's vice principal, Mr. Allen Lee, told her that abortion is too controversial, which is a typical response we hear from administrators. 

(By the way, the school has a Gay-Straight Alliance club…but apparently that isn’t controversial!)

But here’s what he told her that really put me over the edge ---
Mr. Lee told Angelique that there are “far more qualified” people to talk about abortion than a 16-year-old high school sophomore!!

Not only is Angelique articulate and razor smart but she is passionately pro-life, having researched abortion all on her own and come to the conclusion that it is truly the greatest human rights violation of our time.

It is this generation that has grown up with the technology to see inside the womb, to know that a baby is growing inside his or her mother and has every right to life as anyone else. They know that abortion ends that life. They have seen their brothers and sisters before they were even born. In addition, it’s this generation who is directly targeted by Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry for business!
I can’t think of a more qualified generation to talk about abortion than this one!

So last week, with the help of our attorneys at the Thomas More Society, we sent a demand letter to the principal at WCTA, Amy Dockter-Rozar, and to the Clark County School District in Las Vegas, reminding them of Angelique’s free speech rights and demanding that they approve her club immediately, before the end of the school year, which is next week.

Today, I’m on a huge time crunch and need your help! We need to get Angelique’s club approved ASAP, so she can start helping pregnant students in crisis and educating her peers on abortion right away and can host events right at the beginning of next school year.
Can you send a brief email to Principal Amy Dockter-Rozar to tell her to approve the Students for Life club now?

Angelique and her fellow pro-life students have not only been censored and discriminated against but are being unfairly belittled for being pro-life. 
Go here to send your message now:

Thank you and we will keep you updated on any developments in Angelique’s case!

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life

PS: This is the THIRD demand letter this semester that we have sent on behalf of pro-life high school students trying to get their Students for Life clubs started. Please send a message to Angelique’s principal this morning and forward this message on to your pro-life friends and family!
Students for Life of America
9900 Courthouse Road
Spotsylvania, Virginia 22553
Office: 540.834.4600


Pro-Life Generation